The attack on marriage is really an attack on the human person, and his dignity, for the devil seeks to pervert our true purpose, to pervert God's holy design. For many of us, we cannot march in protests or write dozens of letters or call numerous times to urge legislators to vote for the Truth. But one thing we can all do is pray and fast. We have designated one day each week to fast for these intentions:

1. That marriage may be preserved, promoted, and understood as God's plan for creation.

2. For all marriages that they may reflect the love of the Trinity.

3. For broken marriages that Christ bring healing and conversion to the spouses' souls.

4. For those who are married, for the sanctification of their marriage and their spouse. For those who are single, for their future spouse and vocation.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

June 3rd Fast


"Once understood, it seemed so simple. I was amazed it had taken me so long in terms of time and suffering to learn this truth. Of course we believe we depend on God, that his will sustains us in every moment of our life. But we are afraid to put it to the test. There remains deep down in each of us a little nagging doubt, a little knot of fear that we refuse to face or admit even to ourselves, that say, 'Suppose it isn't so.' We are afraid to abandon ourselves totally in God's hands for fear he will not catch us if we fall. 

It is the ultimate criterion, the final test of all faith and all belief, and it is present in each of us, lurking unvoiced in a closet of our mind we are afraid to open. It is not really a question of trust in God at all, for we want very much to trust him; it is really a question of our ultimate belief in his existence and his providence, and it demands the purest act of faith."

(Father Walter J. Ciszek, S.J.)

     Modern man is conditioned to not only know his outcomes but control them as well.  Unfortunately, when the outcome can so easily be controlled there is no need for trust, even on the simplest level, and so when a situation demands even a modicum of faith, man quickly retreats, preferring comfort to courage, safety to self surrender.  

As Christ yearns to unite, the devil devises to divide.  His ultimate goal is to erode the foundation of one's relationship with God by sowing seeds of suspicion and distrust; consequently the soul exchanges his confidence and peace for fear and anxiety.  The sundry of sin that originated in Eden first came from Eve's distrust of God's providence, her fear of His will, and ultimately her doubt of His love. 

It is this doubt of God's love that has plagued man ever since.  It is this doubt that prompted Our Lord to appear to St. Margaret Mary and reveal His Sacred Heart, reminding man of His intense love for him.  It is this mistrust of God's divine providence that moved Christ to appear to Saint Faustina, imploring man to place his trust in Him. 

Satan encourages man to think of God as distant and indifferent, an omnipotent but abstract being.  But Our dear Savior is not an abstract idea but a real person, flesh and blood, full of passionate love for the flock He lays His life down for.  The statues of Christ in Church do not invite man to worship cold stone, but rather remind the soul that what he worships is a real man, who walked this earth, who is alive in the Holy Eucharist, who aches for our love.  But he does not want a love that is conditioned and calculated, for that is not love at all, only a cowardly tepidity that dismays and disgusts him.  He begs for a love that is free of anxiety but full of trust; he invites man to relinquish his fears.  He asks,"Do you have the strength to believe in my providential care? Do you truly believe that I love you?" And so, in times of doubt, say this simple prayer over and over again, Jesus I trust in you

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