In the recent debate about the HHS mandate, that forces private insurers to pay for contraception, sterilization, and abortifacients, the administration and its allies have constantly emphasized that this is about "women's health". While it is important to repeat the mantra that this is about "conscience, not contraception", we should also expose the ridiculousness of this argument. The International Agency for Research on Cancer, an arm of the UN, lists birth control as a Class I carcinogen. (Its important to note that the UN is hardly in the business of revealing the cancerous nature of the pill considering it forces underdeveloped countries to accept it, and other forms of birth control, in exchange for humanitarian aid.)
One cannot even say its about women's empowerment. Ironically, though the Left often argues that the Pill gave women more power by giving them the choice when to have children, it actually enslaved them to men and forced women to relinquish their greatest power: the power and choice to say "no." Of course, the abuse of women existed since the beginning of time, but never did women consent to it as they do now. Removing the intended and logical consequence of sexual intercourse (conception) allowed men to never have to accept "no" for an answer. Women have become powerless (outside and inside marriage), and the curse of Eve continues: ". . he shall rule over you". (Gen. 3:16)
Two women (one an author, the other an economist) have written an excellent article over at National Review dissecting this issue further, debunking the myths about empowerment and health and putting forth a logical argument for natural family planning. I encourage you to read it. (The Pill is Not Good for Women)
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