I'm a bit late on this post as I saw this last week, but Nancy Pelosi recently told the Washington Post that she wants to do for “for child care what we did for health-care reform” . It's important to remember that Pelosi was the one that pushed through Obamacare. After Scott Brown was elected to fill Teddy Kennedy's old seat, the Democrats did not have the votes in the Senate to approve the House bill and Rahm Emmanuel, Obama's chief-of-staff, advised Obama to abandon the plan. Pelosi urged him not to and promised to ram the Senate bill through the House so that the Senate would not have to vote again. Obamacare is a huge misnomer; it should be Pelosicare.
Even though Pelosi is out of the Speaker's chair, no one should underestimate her influence. The same Washington Post article noted that she has raised millions of dollars since the last election, determined to put herself and the Democrats back in power.
And now, Pelosi wants to extend the government's reach into the childcare business:
"Of the need for child-care legislation, she says, “I could never get a babysitter — have five kids in six years and no one wants to come to your house. . . . And everywhere I go, women say the same thing” about how hard it is to find the kind of reliable care that would make their family lives calmer and work lives more productive. When it comes to “unleashing women” in a way that would boost the economy, she says, “this is a missing link.”Subsidizing childcare would only further add to the breakdown of the family. Many women who might have tended towards staying at home would now gravitate toward the workforce if given the availability of free daycare. The pressure on mothers to leave the home and go to work would increase dramatically. Whereas now, many women might have part-time jobs but only to help out temporarily, if national childcare become a reality those part-time jobs could become full-time, that is, become a career. The three components of the family (Father, Mother, children) would spend more time apart than together. Not only that, but family childcare (when a grandparent, or other relative helps out) would decrease as well so that children would not even be spending that time apart with an extended member of the family.
Some conservatives will only focus on the part about our taxes going towards another entitlement program. However, it's important to keep our eyes on the real problem, and the motivating factor behind this. George Weigel noted, in his autobiography about Blessed John Paul II, that in Communist Poland, both parents were required to work by design so that the government could have the children all day in school and in other programs. The breakdown of the family was necessary for socialism to succeed because in a socialist country the most important entity is the state, not the family. Unnaturally divorced from one's own parents, at young ages, the government was able to indoctrinate children and teach them a starkly different value system from their parents. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that this could happen in the United States with something as innocuous sounding as "free childcare". Indoctrination is already taking place in the public schools, is there any doubt it would happen at the infant and toddler level as well?
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