The attack on marriage is really an attack on the human person, and his dignity, for the devil seeks to pervert our true purpose, to pervert God's holy design. For many of us, we cannot march in protests or write dozens of letters or call numerous times to urge legislators to vote for the Truth. But one thing we can all do is pray and fast. We have designated one day each week to fast for these intentions:

1. That marriage may be preserved, promoted, and understood as God's plan for creation.

2. For all marriages that they may reflect the love of the Trinity.

3. For broken marriages that Christ bring healing and conversion to the spouses' souls.

4. For those who are married, for the sanctification of their marriage and their spouse. For those who are single, for their future spouse and vocation.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

No Greater Love. . .


Fortunately, it has become rarer that women die in childbirth due to the tremendous advances in medicine over the past fifty years or so.  However, it is sometimes still the case that a woman must choose between her own life and her unborn child's.  A brave, single mother in Oklahoma recently made the ultimate sacrifice for her little girl, Dottie Mae.  Read about it here.

The story not only proves the strength of love but family as well.  The woman, Stacie Crimm, was unmarried but this did not deter her resolve to bring her child into this world.  She asked her brother to care for her infant if she did not survive.  And he and his wife are now raising Dottie Mae with their four children.  Would her decision have been different if she was not close with her brother?  Perhaps, but hopefully not.  It is obvious, though that close family ties both support and encourage life-affirming decisions.

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