"Consider often that it is only the humble of heart that can enter into the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Converse with him. Love Him and be loved by Him." (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)
June is the month dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Heart of the Savior is the symbol of Jesus' total gift of self, his fathomless mercy and sacrificial love. Devotion to the Sacred Heart is aided by pious practices and worthy traditions but true devotion must consist in an earnest desire to pattern one's whole life on the model of His chosen Master. One who adores this tenderest of Hearts uses the example of Our Dear Lord's self-denying love as his guide in all his daily actions. Learning to reject self-indulgence—be it emotional or physical— he understands that there is no gain in a win for his will, only loss of an opportunity to grow in love. A true disciple of the Sacred Heart welcomes— or at least accepts— opportunities to deny himself a pleasure, be it ever so small.
The invitation to sacrifice does not appeal to one out of duty or tradition or expectation; rather, the call to give the gift of himself is motivated by a firm decision to love. Often, it requires acts of the will— devoid of feeling, deprived of consolation, —but always it is a conscious decision to see others as He sees them, to love others as He loves them. It is the high call to practice charity— despite weariness, ingratitude and indifference— in imitation of Him but also united with Him. How little there is to lose and how much there is to gain when one says no to self and yes to love!
"Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, teach me an entire forgetfulness of myself since that is the only way one can find entrance into you." (St. Claude de la Columbiere)