The attack on marriage is really an attack on the human person, and his dignity, for the devil seeks to pervert our true purpose, to pervert God's holy design. For many of us, we cannot march in protests or write dozens of letters or call numerous times to urge legislators to vote for the Truth. But one thing we can all do is pray and fast. We have designated one day each week to fast for these intentions:

1. That marriage may be preserved, promoted, and understood as God's plan for creation.

2. For all marriages that they may reflect the love of the Trinity.

3. For broken marriages that Christ bring healing and conversion to the spouses' souls.

4. For those who are married, for the sanctification of their marriage and their spouse. For those who are single, for their future spouse and vocation.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

April 7th Fast


"Consider the violence with which the executioners stripped Jesus. His inner garments adhered to His torn flesh, and they dragged them off so roughly that the skin came with them. Compassionate your Savior thus cruelly treated, and say to Him:
My innocent Jesus, by the merits of the torment Thou hast felt, help me to strip myself of all affection to things of earth, in order that I may place all my love in Thee, who art so worthy of my love. I love Thee, O Jesus, with my whole heart; I repent of having offended Thee. Never permit me to offend Thee again. Grant that I may love Thee always; and then do with me what Thou wilt." (Meditation on the 10th Station by St. Alphonsus Liguori)

Lent is a time to loosen our grip on the things of this earth and fasten our hearts to the things of eternity.  This penitential season not only encourages detachment but also contentment with the necessities of life and gratitude for being given them.  This spirit of contentment and detachment is a great grace that can be gained throughout the year as one faces the challenges of daily living in his vocation.  

God recognizes the weakness of His adopted children, and their tendency to fail, but also knows their great potential to succeed.  And so, knowing his child will not always seek out ways to shed his selfishness, He presents many opportunities each day for a person to choose the other, and say no to self.  In this way, God allows the slow erosion of self to take place, gently encouraging detachment from, once thought of, necessities.  

One can either accept these moments of mortification with resignation or rebuttal.  For though the opportunities will abound, and perhaps a person will still choose the other over himself, if he does not do it generously and joyfully, he has still not learned the true spirit of detachment.